Funny Things to Say in Polish

Today we are going to share funny Polish words and expressions which you should be familiar with if you are thinking of making your next career move over there! Below are the expressions that sound a little bit off when directly translated to English. Take a look, some of them will definitely make you laugh!


1. When among the crows, caw as the crows do

Polish – Kiedy wszedłeś między wrony, musisz krakać jak i one
English – When in Rome, do as the Romans do

2. Don't teach a father how to make children

Polish – Nie ucz ojca robić dzieci
English – Don't teach your Grandmother how to suck eggs

3. The drowning man catches a cut throat razor

Polish – Tonący brzytwy się chwyta
English – A drowning man clutches at straws

4. Don't divide the skin while it's still on the bear

Polish: Nie dziel skóry na niedźwiedziu
English: Don't count your chickens before they're hatched

5. Did an elephant stomp on your ear?

Polish: Słoń nastąpił ci na ucho?
English: Having no ear for music

6. Not my circus, not my monkeys

Polish: Nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy
English: Not my problem

7. They have flies up their nose

Polish: Mieć muchy w nosie
English: They're angry

8. Drill a hole in your belly

Polish: Wiercić komuś dziurę w brzuchu
English: Pestering

9. Throwing peas onto a wall

Polish: Rzucać grochem o ścianę
English: Fall on deaf ears

10. Stick you in a bottle

Polish: Nabić kogoś w butelkę
English: Pull your leg

11. Stuff yourself with hay

Polish: Wypchaj się sianem
English: Get lost! Go away! Shut up!

12. It's a roll with butter

Polish: Bułka z masłem
English: Easy / it's a piece of cake

13. I was made into a horse

Polish: Zrobili mnie w konia
Meaning: I was taken for a ride

14. Do you have a snake in your pocket?

Polish: Mieć węża w kieszeni
English: You're being tight-fisted

15. Don't call the wolf from the forest

Polish: Nie wywołuj wilka z lasu
English: Don't tempt fate

Well, now that you know the funny polish expressions, it is the moment to learn some useful words! Do not worry if you will not remember all of them, Polish is the 3rd hardest language to learn in the world, so Poles will be impressed with anything you will manage to remember.


D zień dobry  – good morning/ good afternoon
Dobry wieczór – good evening
Cześć – hello
Do widzenia – goodbye
Dobranoc – good night

Expressive words

Proszę – please
Dziękuję – thank you
Przepraszam – sorry/ excuse me
Nie ma problemu – no problem
Tak – yes
Nie – no
Może – maybe
Nie wiem – I don't know
Świetnie – great
Dobrze – good
Niedobrze – bad
Zaczekaj – wait
(Nie) podoba mi się… – I (don't) like
Źle się czuję – I'm not feeling well
(Nie) mówię po polsku – I (don't) speak Polish
Słabo mówię po polsku – My Polish is poor
Nie rozumiem – I don't understand


Jak się masz? – How are you?
Która jest godzina? – What time is it?
O której godzinie – At what time?
Czy mówisz po angielsku? – Do you speak English?
Czy możesz mówić wolniej? – Can you speak slower?
Czy możesz to powtórzyć? – Can you say that again?
Jak to się nazywa po polsku? – How is this called in Polish?
Co to znaczy? – What does it mean?
Jak się to pisze? – How do you spell it?
Ile to kosztuje? – How much is it?
Gdzie jest toaleta? – Where is the toilet?
Co to jest? – What is it?
Kto to jest? – Who is it?
Dlaczego…? – Why…?
Kiedy…? – When…?
Czy jest…? – Is there…?

Here ends our top funny polish words and expressions. What's your favourite one? Are you going to try to learn it? Let us know in the comments below! And don't forget to check out our job offers in Poland! Thank you very much for hanging out with Europe Language Café and see you in our next blog!

funny polish words and expressions


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